Archive for the 'Homeschooling' Category



I’m active on a few unschooling/homeschooling forums now and wanted to jot down my thoughts/comments here for my reference.

In regards to “Time Away”: 

This is perhaps my one concern about unschooling. I do need time away and at this point in time it isn’t possible. I live a state away from my husband during the week and only see him on the weekends. When this changes I’m sure I will be afforded more personal time. At the moment I take advantage of naps and late evenings… not ideal but better than nothing.Personally I believe that it’s important to nurture our own interests. I want my son to see my interests, how I pursue them and the joy they afford me. I believe it’s important to my physical and mental being – not to mention I’m continually learning too. If I deny me – what do you think my child will learn from it?

In regards to “Why should you unschool?”:

Since this is all so new to me I feel like I’m having a hard time articulating my thoughts about why we are unschooling. I do agree with many of your own thoughts. Right now I think it boils down to I don’t wish to snuff out my child’s innate sense of wonder in the world around him. I think I will be able to develop these thoughts as time moves on.

In regards to “The new bad word.”:

I find it fascinating when some one questions you about your choice without accepting they are making a choice as well. My response has been and will be, “I don’t question you about why you chose X, Y, or Z.” X, Y, or Z being public school, private school, homeschooling, etc. If they are generally interested I will certainly take the time to explain to them what it is, but you can usually tell the difference between some one that is ridiculing your choice and some one that is genuinely fascinated by it.

Personally I believe that unschooling, as a word, is what scares people. They really have a hard time getting past that word. What they aren’t realizing is they do this every time they’re with their children playing, exploring, reading, answering their questions, procuring materials for them, etc. They’re essentially unschooling. I don’t believe these people set-up a curriculum to do those things with their children and I certainly don’t believe they test their children afterward. As unschoolers we see the advantage of doing this at all times… not just during down time or spare time.

Since George is three there isn’t a huge burden on my shoulders to make sure he is pursuing learning.  He is learning on a daily basis through play, reading, shadowing me or my folks and playgroup trips as well as homeschooling meet-ups.  The more I read the more I know that we will be unschoolers through and through.  We do it now… why not continue to do it in lue of a public education?

I mean can you resist the cake-face?  Yeah, neither can I.  So we’re going to do our best to provide little Mr. Cake-Face with the type of life learning experience he deserves.


Not a Fit


Yesterday we ended up missing the library… it closes at 4 p.m. on a Saturday – huh?  I really do live in a small town.  I haven’t had any new information to help me make any additional decisions.  Perhaps I’ll be able to go Monday.

I have come to an important conclusion about me.  As an adult certain styles of learning appeal to me.  This does not mean they’re best for Georgie.  Case in point, I love the Montessori principles.  I attended a public school that used the materials and applied the principles of Maria Montessori.  It was only after the school closed, due to low enrollment, that parents realized how fantastic our education had been there.  A very sad memory for me.  I hold a certain fondness for the materials I worked with during that time.

I believe I was using that personal experience and fond memory to sway me a bit.  But while I was at a playgroup this past Friday, a very good friend pointed out to me the reasons she didn’t like Montessori.  And Bingo – I realized they’re all the reasons I shouldn’t be using the Montessori principles for Georgie.  Some of the teaching materials will work and I’ll introduce some of them to him but overall it’s just not the right fit for him — the style is too strict too structured.  The more I look at different teaching styles the more I believe we’ll definitely be using an ecelectic approach and quite possibly move into unschooling.


Overwhelmed (Bad & Good)

I’m not sure what I want to do now.  Hahaha.  It’s amazing how one piece of information can lead to another piece of information and five hours later I’m even more undecided about Georgie’s curriculum.  I think we’ll be stopping by the library tomorrow to find out more.  I’ve also joined several different support groups through and I’m hoping that I will find the support I’ll be needing there as well.

Even so I have been pleasantly surprised by George, my husband.  The loudest protestor of homeschooling I’ve ever known.  I kept offering him more and more resources to look at over the past year and had decided that he was just not interested in hearing any other view.  He was one of those people that believed homeschooled children do not receive proper socialization skills.  Yes, one of those.  Now… well, now he’s all for homeschooling.  Friday night he told me that if homeschooling this Fall works out for us that he will back me up 100% to continue educating our son this way.  I nearly fainted.  Hahaha. 🙂

Research List (for the library):

  • Homeschooling Methods particularly Ecelectic and Unschooling
  • Kinetic Learning / Kinesthetic Learners
  • Preschool Activities
  • Playful Learning
  • Unit Studies
  • Preschool Curriculums
  • Early Education
  • Nature Studies
  • Creative Living


We decided to start this Fall.  That way we’ll have a pretty good idea if it is right for our family.  I’m working on building a curriculum for Georgie that will allow for his kinetic learning style.  It is amazing what I’m finding online — lapbooks are awesome!  I also realized that almost all the books I picked-up during local thrifting this past year are on many recommended curriculums for language/art/math/science/social studies/health & safety units.  How did I catch that break?  Of course there are many books I’m still interested in procuring for him.

I’m hoping to have put the curriculum together before the end of July.  That way I can go over it with George and find out if there is anything he wants to include or exclude.  I’m excited!


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to stop by and visit - you are always welcome here. I do my best to respond to you within your own comments on a post. This takes time. I try to plug away at a few things in between pulling my hair out and chasing down my three year old son. If you have a question or some pressing matter or even if you'd just like to strike up a little conversation... I can be reached via email at ruralmamaATcomcastDOTnet.


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